Living life to the full after 40…and running

Ep7, S2 - Why Run? podcast - 29 April 2023

In her 30s, Annie Simpson experienced  birth and loss - both of which have very much influenced how she approaches life today.

Desperate for a baby, Annie  was told  by her consultant in her mid-30s that the only treatment for her fibroids was a hysterectomy.

"Every time someone got pregnant, I'd get tearful and think 'why not me?' 'what have I done?' and it got to the point where I just felt my body was letting me down." A second medical opinion gave Annie hope and after successful surgery to remove her fibroids, Annie became pregnant. However shortly after receiving the joyful news , Annie found out that her  mother had terminal breast cancer. She died after a brief illness.

Life brings many challenges ...more as time passes...and how we come to terms with the painful and distressing experiences in our lives has a huge impact upon our mental and emotional well-being today.

In her early 40s,  Annie started walking to be more active. Within a year, Annie decided to complete the Couch to 5k and then she completed the London Marathon and numerous other races.  She is now having swimming lessons - as she  never learnt as a child. This is because she wants to complete her first triathlon this year.

Dressed in bright, colourful outfits and full of kindness and encouragement, Annie has now become a mental health ambassador for BGDRUK and is using her fortysomething energy and outlook to support others. She has also started personal coaching and is aiming to complete more than 19 events this year.

"You've only got one life. Make sure you're living it for you - (whatever your age). When I turned 40, my perspective really changed revealing more to me about life. We have to be brave enough to take the first step."

Instagram: Coach_anniebee
Facebook: SweetSimpson Coach_anniebee


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